Cancer Chemotheraphy

Cancer is described as a disease that is caused due to the out of control growth of body cells. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each kind of cancer is specified by different kind of cells that are infected. Cancer harms the body due to multiplicity of the damaged cells that causes lumps of tissues called tumors. These tumors affect the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems and result in the release of hormones that alter body functions.

Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment has been done in a several ways. Several therapies help in treating different kinds on cancers such as Biological Therapy, Gene Therapy, Hormone Therapy, Proton Therapy, Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Targeted Therapy, Vaccine Therapies and cancer chemotherapy.

What is Chemotherapy?
In Chemotherapy treatment, we used chemical agents to destroy cancer cells. The basic function of all chemotherapy drugs is to remove the cancerous cells. After so many clinical research and trials, scientists have found unique characteristics that are not found in normal tissues. It resists the cancer cells growth faster; growing cells would be affected the most and slow growing cells would also be affected but the rate would be slow. Chemotherapy agents work on the same basis.

There are several observed side effects of chemotherapy drugs in hair follicles, nails and skin due to their sensitivity.

Chemotherapy can be used to treat cancer or it can be used in combination with other therapies like radiation therapy or surgery. Combination therapy improves the chances to cure cancer.

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