Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a serious form of malignant disorder and occurs only in females. The malignant growth develops primarily in cervix and may spread to other adjacent areas in a later stage. Cervix cancer can be both primary and secondary in nature and cervical cancer life expectancy depends mainly upon the location of origin of cancer cells.

Understanding Cervical Cancer

Cancer of cervix starts in the cervical areas in the initial stages and may spread to vagina or uterus if the malignant cells begin to metastasize. Cervix is located in lower area of uterus or womb. Womb comprises upper part of vagina and plays the main role in process of reproduction. Thus, generation of malignant tumors in cervical areas can pose a major threat to the victim’s reproduction abilities.

Cancer of cervix can develop either in squamous or columnar areas of the cervix, but most cancers belong to squamous type. In this form of cervix cancer, the tumors develop in squamous cells present on the surface areas and the infection may go deep further if such malignant cells are not tackled effectively in time.

Cancer of cervix is one of the biggest health disorders occurring in females and is the third-most general type of cancerous infection worldwide. It can be controlled well in the initial stages but curbing infection becomes increasingly difficult ones the tumors start to spread causing severe damage to healthy tissues and cells within their scope.

Infection by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the biggest threat to cervical health and instigates healthy cells to behave abnormally. Though the cancer develops very slowly in the initial stages, chances of fast metastasis are quite high in final phases and proper health checkup needs to be undergone on regular basis.

Sex in adolescent age, involvement with more than one sex-partner, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), and other sex-related diseases are some of the major causes of the disease. Rate of cervical cancer is lower in the United States of America (USA) as compared to other areas. Main reason behind this is most of the women in USA are used to undergoing PAP (Papanicolaou) smear test. The test is one of the most efficient ways to correctly detect presence of cancer tumors in the cervix or other adjacent areas. PAP smear test needs to be conducted on regular basis to monitor behavior of cells closely and initiate cervical cancer treatment at the earliest.

Weak immune system is another major cervical cancer cause. In most of the cases, cancerous cells can develop more freely due to poor resistance from healthy and active cells from within the victim’s body. Such resistance can be strengthened only if the immune system of the victim is strong enough to prevent formation and spread of tumors. Proper lifestyle pattern, healthy and hygienic diet including high intake of fruits, nutrient-rich vegetables and other food-stuffs and low intake of fat-rich content is essential to keep immune system intact.

Abnormal bleeding or discharge from vagina, unnatural bleeding from vaginal areas after menopause, continuous discharge from vaginal areas in the form of foul-smelling liquid, and unusual infections or ulcers in the cervical areas are some of the major cervical cancer symptoms.

Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP), laser therapy, hysterectomy and cryosurgery are some of the leading cure for the disorder. Radiotherapy, chemical therapy and surgery are also useful in treating the disorder.

Cervical cancer should not be ignored for too long as the disorder can be fatal in advanced stages. Cancer of cervix should be examined carefully under proper medical supervision and proper preventive measures should be taken to avoid its recurrence.


tahera said...

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